Sunday 26 March 2023

Seriously.. do something..

 In my last instalment on this blog I spoke of doing something and doing it often rather than thinking about it, waiting, processing and doing it once perfectly.  This is based on advice from a friend and from reading an incredible book called "Atomic Habits".  

Well here we are a week (or 2?) later and the instinctive pause has happened again.  I wonder why that is?  As I process my desire to write, I ask myself, as I ask about many things that require repetition where does this pause, or lack of consistent practice come from?  Why does it happen?  

Part of me thinks this happens as it's natural.  Being intentional is not natural.  Our nature tends to be what I call "the drift".  We don't naturally live with intention.  That takes discipline which requires effort and a deep focus.  In general, we live for the drift and when we drift we don't drift toward health, focus, discipline, and the things that feed into us.  When it comes to eating, my drift is the path of least resistance which tends to be what comes easy and not what is healthy and takes some time to prepare.  Ease over effort is my drift.  As it pertains to physical health, "netflix and chill" is the path of least resistance and my drift as oppose to getting up, putting on the shoes and taking that walk or going to that gym or taking some time on the treadmill.  Drift is easy.  Drift is not healthy.  So what do we do?  Not to sounds like a broken record, but we must "do something".  

Seriously... Do something.. 

Don't allow the drift to take over... it's easy and it will creep in should you let it.. heck you don't even have to let it.. Just do nothing.  

Case and point, I want to write and I talked about writing and then I stopped writing.  I want to continue in my fitness journey that I was extremely successful with last summer and I drift into old habits or toward the ease of no habits.  

So here's my encouragement for you and challenge for me as I clearly need the push and then the push and then the push.  

Keep doing something.  It doesn't have to be the end result.  In fact, it shouldn't be all the way to the end.  Do something that sets you up to do the next bite size thing that leads eventually toward the end goal.  Crock pot instead of microwave.. 

You got this.  We got this.  Seriously, just do something.  

Grace and love. 


Sunday 12 March 2023

Just Do Something.

Obligatory, "I can't believe it's been 3 years" comment. 
But seriously.  I can't believe it's been 3 years.  

I guess nothing significant has happened since 2020 so I've had nothing to write about.  That's too bad, but at least I have decided to pick the typewriter back up.  

Last week, Alisha and I were on a vacation for our 10th anniversary and we were blessed to visit a wonderful resort in Cuba.  While there, I picked up a book that I bought with the grandest of intentions as I began it, but as is the case with a lot of things I do, I started strong and fizzled out quickly.  This bugs me about me if I am honest. So I took advantage of our time away and picked the book back up and brought it with us with the "intention" (there's that word again) to dive back in and hopefully nibble away at it to try and get myself back in the habit of reading again.  Well, I didn't nibble away at this book.  I DEVOURED it.  I had about a third of the book read before we left for vacation and it was done the day before the last day of our 7 day vacation.  This was not a thin book (at least by my standards) either, and I couldn't put it down.  

What was the book you ask? That's a great question and I am happy to answer.  It was "Atomic Habits by James Clear" which speaks of and teaches that small changes can have massive results in how we lead our lives and develop the habits that we want and lose the habits that we want nothing to do with.  So much meat and it is a book that I will definitely have to pick up again as it all certainly bears repeating in my brain.  

One of the points that stood out to me, and there were a lot was something like this.  JUST DO SOMETHING.  Long story short he told a story of a university professor who was teaching a photography class and had a semester long project for his class.  He divided the class in two groups and both groups had the same goal for the end of the semester to achieve an A in the course, but each group were to take a very different approach.  The goal was to take that "perfect picture" that captures that magic moment or image that was simply beyond words.  The difference was in their approach.  Group A didn't have a specific amount of pictures they needed to take.  They just needed to find that moment and capture it.  Group B's approach was to take as many pictures as they were able and of the piles of pics, they needed to find the one that was the one.  

What the professor found was very interesting.  At the end of the semester he found that group A didn't have the same quality that group B did.  Why is this?  While group B took hundreds and hundreds of pictures, many of which were not great, the practice and formation of their skills that were developed in the taking of many, many pictures developed (pun intended) their skill to a point that made their end result absolutely stunning.  

On the other hand, those that just had to find and take the perfect pictures didn't end up taking the same volume of pictures as they used their time "looking" for that picture and "waiting" for that moment in the hopes that they'd catch it, but without the repetition, they didn't get the same stunning results. 

So what's the point Scottie? Sorry... Thought that was obvious as it's my title... JUST DO SOMETHING. 
So many times in life, I've set goals and not acted on it as I'd either set the goal too big and stopped as I bit off more than I could chew OR over thought to the point of trying to figure out what I was suppose to do big picture and have it paralyze me from doing anything.  

What the author illustrated (and my friend JON HURD) as encouraged me to do in things that I want to do is "just do something."  Even little steps are better than doing nothing and being stagnant.  Small steps toward health and repeated often are better than planning without action.  10 minutes (or even 2) of walking or exercise and repeated consistently is better than sitting idle and doing nothing.  Writing a little everyday in a consistent manner is better than doing nothing.  What the author, professor and hopefully me someday observes is that action and movement creates more action and movement and as you do small things consistently, habits form and excellence is unintentionally (eventually intentionally) formed.  

So the question for me is for you is this; what thing (big or small) are you doing today?  Today I wrote this as a reminder for me and as an encouragement for you.  JUST DO SOMETHING.. and then tomorrow, do something and the next day, also do something.  You got this!  

Appreciate you's!  

Friday 27 March 2020

P's in the Pause (peace... get it???)

Wow!!! Over four years since my last post??? How can that be??? Talk about a blog posting pause or time out if you will.  Yeesh!!!

It's crazy how life kind of takes off on us and next think you know 4+ years have passed and you forgot you even had a blog.

Perhaps this Blog "pause" was a practical illustration of what we are going through in life right now.  Maybe?  We don't like pause do we?  I've said it in previous blogs, but we wear "being busy" as a badge of honor.  When people ask us, "How are you doing?" we say, "Busy, just so busy" and though we sound like the exasperated victim in this statement, deep down we love it and can tend to feel empty if were it not true.  Even in our vacations which is our break from the busyness we often cram in as much activity as we can during these small windows that are intended for respite and relief.  We jokingly return back home saying, "Oh man I'm so tired that I need a vacation from my vacation."

Go, go, go is how we roll, roll, roll...

Like many, in this particular season in life I've been laid off at my work and though I am believing it to be a temporary season in my story, it's still an unfamiliar one none-the-less.  Pause.  Stay home.  Avoid the regular crowds and normalcy of life they say to "flatten the curve".  So as much as my extroverted self hates it, I comply.  Pause.

The extent of my get out of the house is finding a trail in the forest with my wife and my dog and get some exercise walking while enjoying nature, fresh air, creation and not being inside my stinking house!!!! (that I'm extremely grateful for... )

While adjusting to this new normal that may or may not be temporary there are some things that have crossed my mind as to how my attitude should be in the midst of all this.  My "P's" in the Pause.

1) Patience - this seems to be the most obvious need for likely most of us in a season like this that knocks us out of our normal routines.  Kids aren't in school.  We aren't at work.  Folks aren't advised or encouraged to come and go freely as normal life would afford.  The only one that seems to be ok with this new is my dog as she LOVES having us all home everyday.  It is absolutely paramount for you and for me that we practice patience daily as we seem to be taking this day by day trying to figure it all out.  Is it easy?  Hahahahaha!!!! Can we get there?  I believe we can.  It takes practice.

2) Practical - Sometimes it can be easy to assume that work will always be there, pay will always be coming and things will always be moving in the right direction so we unintentionally can get a touch reckless.  I don't thing we do this in an arrogant or flippant way, but sometimes comfort doesn't set us up for long term thinking or the potential of life's what if's.  When a moment like this happens in life and the rug is pulled out from underneath you or the wind is taken out of your sales we instantly panic as we didn't realize that we may or may not have been living long term practical.  For those that do and are completely prepared, you're a rockstar.  For those that maybe are caught a little off guard, you're likely not alone.  The beauty in a season like this though is that rather than panic we can take it as an opportunity to step back, take a breath and recalibrate on what our priorities are and what is needs vs wants.  What are we doing to take care of today?  Tomorrow? Longer down the road and what happens if a "state of emergency" happens?  If you/we aren't there yet or haven't quite mastered it, this Pause is a great season to work through this and get better at mastering the Practical.

3) Persistence - As mentioned, getting out of the routine and having a Pause in life imposed on us can get us to a state of panic.  Obviously that is not the productive response in any season, but definitely not in a season of pause.  What we tend to do in the panic is get tempted to quit.  How do I put this??? DON'T DO IT!!! Practice persistence in the Pause.  Find new normals, new routines, start your blog again after a 4 year hiatus.  Just don't quit.  It won't change the season of pause.  It only serves as a reminder where you are and will feed the panic.  Embrace the new opportunities and stubbornly stick to it.  Be persistent.  As mentioned, Alisha and I have made it a point to get out everyday for a walk in nature be it great or small, we persistently do something.  Amazingly in this new routine in this season of pause I've seen some pounds shed off which I desperately need for my health, heart, etc...

4) Positivity - You're spending more time with family, more time online, more time in your own head.
BE NICE!!! Do I need to say more on that one?  I should hope not. 

Most importantly of all...
5) Presence - Were it not for the presence of Christ in my life I don't know that's I'd have peace in my life... especially during a season like this.  Want to know my Jesus?  Reach out to Him.  He's there.  Want someone to pray with you?  Reach out to me.  I'm here.  Let's Facetime or Zoom and I will pray that God's Peace that passes all understanding will wash over you, sustain you and help you help others in a season when serving self is the natural response.  Above all, I'm so grateful for HIS Presence.

So let's decide what we do with this timeout.  We are in it together and like it or not we get to decide our attitudes and actions in this Pause.  Can I encourage you to "Practice some P's in the Pause"?

Friday 4 March 2016

Spiritual Draino?

Tonight's thought might be a little gross, a whole lot of random, but definitely honest.  It's a work in progress as I am most definitely a work in progress.  Thankfully I think we all are so I won't feel too bad about myself.

So by now you're probably asking why the nasty picture.  Well it's my illustration.  In the past I've used cute father/son tandem bike rides and others nicer images, but tonight this is the image that I feel to share about.

Let me start with this.  I AM NOT a plumber.  Not even close, but recently I had to play that role as our bathroom sink was not draining.  In the past I would get a bottle of Drano and would let it work it's magic.  During this last blockage I did not have access to the store and felt a little inspired to be manly and fix this problem without the help of my magic helper so I took the pipes under the sink off with enough faith to believe that God would give the wisdom to know how to put it all back together without extra parts. Thankfully He did.  What I found once I took things apart was a bit surprising to me though.  I'm not sure what I expected to see that was clogging the pipes, but as you can see it was not pretty.  After a number of months the piped in our sink became clogged with long hair from people bruising their hair and it fell in the sink.  Also there was stubble from me shaving and this was caked together with probably a combination of washed off make up and toothpaste and other objects that seem to have been dropped and fell in the drain.  None of this is necessarily a bad thing or intentionally destructive thing, but over time and piled on top of each other they formed a fairly solid wall and blockage for the drain of our bathroom sink that even water could not penetrate.

Here's my point:  I wonder how easy it is or how quickly we allow these "blockages" to happen in our spiritual walk?  We fill our lives.  We fill our lives with "not bad" things.  Our lives get clogged and then things pile up and we can become overwhelmed as our sink fills up and potentially overflows.  Much like my example what piles up can be not bad things in and of themselves, but is it possible that they can create a spiritual blockage of sorts?  Not to say that God can't get to us anytime, but can I have times where I feel spiritually clogged or blocked up and disconnected from God because of the things I allow to consume my time, my thoughts, my finances, my emotions, etc???

One of my favourite verses in Scripture is James 1:27.  It says this:
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself to be polluted from the world."

Hmmm? Pollutants?
We treat being busy like a badge of honour, but can it be a pollutant that creates a blockage between us and God?
Money.  Not evil in and of itself, but do we allow it to create a blockage between us and God?
Our relationships.  Good things that are blessings in our lives, but put on the pedestal that belongs to God even the most beloved people in our lives can be blockages between us and God.
Our past.  Technology.  People's opinions and the list can go on and on... What things are we allowing to be pollutants in our lives and creating those times where we know God is with us, but we just can't seem to feel in the flow with our Heavenly Father?

Let me encourage you (and me) with this.  If you're in a place where the pipe seem to be clogged spiritually and the only way you can explain your relationship with God is that there seems to be a "blockage" between you and Him, address it.  Don't let it get worse and worse.  Trust me, it will be messier in the long run as we allow more crud to get in.

Allow your praise to press in hard and push that "blockage" on it's way as God's spirit flows.  Get in God's Word even though you don't understand what you read and you always seem to be met with resistance.  STOP and make time to be quiet in God's presence to listen.  Sometimes it takes more effort and we must push through  like that magical elixir, Drano.

Then there are other times when you just need to take things apart, clean and dig the junk out and reset.

This feels like that scripture in Proverbs that speaks to "iron sharpening iron".  Step back.  Address the issue, fix it (or work the process with God and other believers) and dig it out.  Get the mess out and then put it back together.

Life can be messy.  That's OK.  I have to believe that Jesus is not afraid of the mess.  He touched the leper, played in the mud to heal the blind and laid down His life on the cross for us.  He's not overwhelmed by our messes even if they've collected for a bit and clogged some drains.  Seek Him and get things clear from the inside out today.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Thoughts on (G)loving people...

This might be a bit of a broken up, dishevelled post, but I'll be honest up front.  The title is pretty much what this is all about.  This post is simply my thoughts on an opportunity that The Joy Network (Joy Cares) of 96.5 JoyFM had today.  For a few weeks we have been promoting an event called "We Glove You 2" where many of our JoyFM listeners stepped up to donate warm items for us to give to many who are in need of the services offered at the homeless shelter and food kitchen.

We took those items today and were able to connect with many individuals and this post will simply be my highlights of the two hours we spent at this event.

1) It was cold:  First off this is definitely not a complaint.  In no way will I ever grumble about standing in the cold for two hours while we are serving those who will have to spend much more time in it than I ever will.  I will say though that being cold was a powerful reminder of the life that some have  been forced to lead and that I need not complain.  Perhaps the blunt, but honest reminder is that when I am tempted to complain I should just "shut up and serve"... perhaps?

2) I felt broken for many:  Two conversations that I had really messed me up were with a couple of men that I was blessed to stop and talk to.  You see standing across a table from people and just handing them stuff just seems incomplete to me.  I have to "connect".  You'll hear that word a lot from me moving forward.  One man collected some items, but really needed a pair of size 10 boots.  So now my mission is to find this man some size 10 winter boots.  He was so appreciative of all that we had to offer him and I told him that I would be back hopefully very soon with some boots for him.

Another man that I was able to chat with was a classic story of a many who seemingly had it all, but was distracted by habits and choices that took him off track and now is living the consequences of his choices.  His attitude was very good though as he is now looking to get to the point where he can work again and serve those around him.  This was a gentle reminder that none of us are exempt from life's trials and temptations.  I'm grateful to God for his protection... especially when that protection is from myself.

3) "I have no pants":  I won't go into the details of this story, but this was one individuals response when we asked if there was anything we could do for them.  Think about that statement for a few seconds and let the reality of it sink in.  This wrecked me as I considered it.  This is North America and yet this statement reflects someones reality.  God help us to reach out!!! I'll stop there.

4)  Last but not least is a song that one lady was singing as we were handing out items (to her and others) which was nice on a cold day where complaining again could creep in.  The power of this moment was not in her voice or even us handing out items, but in the song that she was singing near the end.  Tell me if you've heard this one:

"When peace like a river attendeth my way. 
When sorrows like sea billows roll.
Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, 
it is well, it is well with my soul".

Need I say more?  

Thursday 3 December 2015


Sometimes when I write I have an idea that has been brewing in my mind for a while and I have to hit the keyboard right away or else I just might burst from holding it in.  Other times I have a single word that comes to mind and I just need to start typing and see where that word takes me.

Today the latter of these two scenario's happened as the single word "coasting" came to mind and I felt to speak to it.  Interesting.

In general, I have found that a majority of my life has been about this word.  Going with the flow.  Remaining super chill and just living by the premise that "whatever will be will be".  Although I think this not a bad thing in an of itself, but by it's nature coasting can lead to unhealthy habits.  Not stressing is good, but being so chill to the point of letting responsibility take the back seat is problematic.  I am grateful to God for providing me with a beautiful household of gals that has helped me focus this.  I still try to remain unstressed even in tough times (once had a t-shirt that said, "I'm too blessed to be stressed"), but I also must be focused in as to best provided for those the Lord has given me responsibility for.

But let's focus on this word coast/coasting.  What is it and what's the implications of coasting in life?

I found this definition of the word coast and it struck me.
Coast: verb (of a person or vehicle) to move easily without using power.

Initially I say, "Yup, that's what coasting means", but as I think on it for a second or two a few things dawn on me.

#1) to move - Life moves. It doesn't stand still so whether your a hyper control freak of a super chill go with the flow person, you have to move and adapt and adjust to life and it's "changes".

#2) move easily - We all want things easily.  Honestly it is how we are bent.  We create inventions to make things less strenuous, less time consuming and to make life easier.  Coasting is moving, but moving easily.  It makes sense that we could lean towards this type of lifestyle and how it is natural to coast.

#3) to move easily "without using power" - This is the point of this definition that really caught me today.  We move.  We try to do whatever it takes to move through life easily, but the definition says in order to do that it comes from doing it without using power.

Hmmm? This piece of the definition startled me a bit.  I've coasted a good portion of my life which has given me the wonderful opportunity to untrain myself with natural frustrating habits that I have coasted into.  As I read this definition and reflect on life I can easily make the connection that it's because I have coasted without a source of power.  Which leads to the question, "Why?"  Being relaxed and worry free is good, but seeking easy without power is not.  God's power challenges our natural.  God's power in our lives doesn't allow us to coast as it focuses me on the shortcomings that coasting misses.

How strange and sad it is that we can live life without the power source in our lives.
Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 4:20
“For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.” 

Not just a lot of talk.  Talk is easy.  It's from us.  Not a ton of effort or challenge, but serving God, living for God and representing Him is more than just talk.  It's living by God's power which can be stretching as it's beyond us, our thoughts and our capabilities.  

So let me wrap up this way.  How are we living?  Yes it is good to not worry, but let's be careful to not coast without God's power leading us.  Let's be intentional with how we live our lives.  I guess even when I was coasting I was being intentional to not worry and let life's stresses get to me.  That being said I can be intentional to not coast and miss out on those moments when my initiative can be intentional.  Let me give you this definition of Generous that I recently heard from Pastor Andy Stanley. 
"The premeditated (planned not spontaneous), calculated (amount), designated (knowing where it's spent)  emancipation (free from bondage we create with items) of personal financial (or time, or talents, etc) assets."  

So what shall we do?  Coast and hope for the best or intentionally impact our life, this world and the lives of others with the power of Christ leading us the way.  

Hope this makes sense.  Like I said.  Sometimes I just start with a word and run with it.  Coasting.  Who knew this word could spark so much in me.  Hmmmm? 

Monday 30 November 2015

What do you see?

Hey all,

Obligatory comment about it being too long since my last post... Blah, blah, blah..

Ok, now that I've done that here's what's on my heart.
As Alisha shared on her Facebook page last night we had a neat memory time last night that happened a bit spontaneously.  The best memories always seem to start that way.

Long and short the girls (Ash & Bri) and I were challenged by Alisha to get a flashlight and go to find a Christmas tree.  We were told that it didn't matter what we found as it was about the adventure.  So we searched in the dark with only the small light of a cell phone  as our guide.  We did find the tree and with my dull hatchet I began to claim our prize.  Ashley then carried our trophy back to the homestead and we celebrated our accomplishment.  As we took the tree into the home we discovered that this tree was not "Charlie Brown's" tree, but it was certainly close to the (just barely) big brother of Charlie Brown's tree.  So we came up with some creative ways to make this tree bigger and decorated it with trinkets and decorations that were made by Alisha's children over the years.  This primarily was because they were the only ornaments that were light enough to be held by the branches, but quickly turned into a sentimental time as the tree began to be decorated.

Simplicity became our theme of the night and I could sense God placing some thoughts on my heart as we had this beautiful evening of Christmas music, a make shift Christmas tree and reminders of what Christmas is all about.  Alisha shared that this was the favourite tree that she's ever decorated and again my heart was pricked with some neat truth that God deposited in my heart.  I then shared with the girls that, "It's not about the appearance of the tree externally, but the memories that are created around it."

You see we do this and I don't just mean at Christmas time either.  We look at the external and come to conclusions that often just aren't true.  What we see does not equate to fact all the time.  Just like this lil tree that doesn't really look like much, but is representative of a beautiful family night of memories so too there is beauty in people and situations around us that on the outside don't look like much.

This past weekend Alisha and I were blessed to receive a video message from our sponsor child Albertho and his twin brother Jean-Bertho and it absolutely moved us and made our day.  If you spend time in the community that these boys live in you would say, "Oh boy.  Not much to offer here", but meeting these boys and spending some time in their community has been a very impacting experience in our lives.  Another truth is that when you see their circumstances it would be easy to see the boys and feel sad for them, but in this video the boys were so full of love and smiles and I can tell you that this IS their reality.  My mind says, "How can this be?"  I complain about my "troubles" and these boys are so happy and full of love.  I don't know if I'll ever understand this, but all I know is that what I see with my eyes isn't always what the reality is.  Instead of sadness for what I see, I am reminded that these boys understand joy in rough circumstances way better than I do.

So, let's look at our lives.  Let's explore our circumstances.  What do we see?  Now look a little deeper.  What beauty can be found?  If you are a follower of Christ we always have hope in the darkest of circumstance and this takes me back to Christmas.  We complicate things with our stuff.  Perhaps like my beautiful wife commented last night, beauty is found in simplicity.  Jesus came.  He died. He rose again for our forgiveness.  Lord, help us zoom into this truth this Christmas season when the busyness of hectic schedules, gifts, debt, and foolish attempts to impress others with meaningless pressures we put on ourselves try to distract us.

May we keep it simple and make incredible memories with family celebrating the simple truth of Christmas this year.